Classical Pilates Equipment
In classical Pilates, you’ll find lots of equipment in our studio! The classical apparatus was designed by Joseph Pilates and using it all is part of the authentic Pilates method. Equipment truly complement matwork and challenges the body in different ways. At our studio there is no mat or reformer only pilates.
We promise, once you get to know the equipment, you will LOVE them! Don’t let intimidation stop you. Joseph designed brilliant equipment, each with a different purpose in mind.
Put a Spring On It
The Reformer:
Originally called the Universal Reformer, it is one of Joe’s original inventions and probably the most popular of his equipment. He believed exercises should start in the supine (or lying down) position to take undue stress off the heart and joints and allow the body to work in alignment without gravity. Exercises are done lying down, sitting up, kneeling and even standing. There are more than a hundred exercises created for the reformer.
The Cadillac (trapeze table):
This was Joseph’s first invention when he was captive in WWI. It was first used therapeutically for the injured, modeled off of a hospital bed. Exercises use springs, wooden bars, hanging trapezes to work your limbs and core against different tensions. Springs increase your range of motion and allow for assistance in addition to resistance training!
The Wunda Chair:
Joseph was inspired by Chinese acrobats and designed this chair not only for exercise, but to sit on too! The chair challenges your balance and strength, is used in many different planes of motion and works unilateral strength with challenging ground reaction forces at play. Chair makes you strong and shows you your imbalances!
The Electric Chair (high chair):
The High Chair is sometimes called the Electric Chair because of it’s medieval looks. Not everything in Pilates has the most appealing names! It’s similar to the Wunda Chair above but with a tall back support and handles on the sides. It uses heavy springs and is often used for strengthening and balancing the hips, glutes and legs.
The High Ladder Barrel:
This wonderful piece of equipment is designed for stretching and used for many other exercises including handstands! Joseph was very concerned with spinal flexibility and designed this for special needs. This can be used to challenge your core but more commonly is used for stretching and lengthening your body.