Props at Home

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Props at home can be a great way to assist and challenge your at-home workouts! We do sell some props in the studio, so ask or pick some up at your next session!

I recommend working with a cushioned mat so that your body is a bit more supported in your matwork. I prefer a 4+mm mat thickness but you can always double up at home if you have a few thin ones. Carpet is also a good option at home.

Some Pilates props (and home alternatives) are:

  • 1-2 lb weights (2 cans of food work as well) - you can do our standing arm work series and use in your matwork! We use a circle version in the studio and help build hand and wrist strength!

  • Magic Circle - a favorite prop of most of ours! This is traditionally a 3 or 4 band resistance ring that draws you into your powerhouse and upper back! A softer version is also available.

  • Theraband (towel robe tie or belt) - wonderful to help stretch and use as light resistance work

  • Foam Roller - we offer a virtual MELT class that uses a special soft roller from MELT or OPTP Soft Blue. We also have thicker ones we use (I only use a dense one to crack my back these days).

  • Inflatable Sponge Ball 7-8” (kid's sports ball) -

  • Yoga blocks

  • Neck Pillow - just use a folded hand towel or washcloth and fold to height desired for support

  • Flexcushion - this is absolutely fantastic for those with Osteopenia/Osteoporosis and pregnancy clients! One of my favorite props and can be used to support and challenge exercises as well.

  • Ankle weights - can be used to help assist in roll ups, hinge backs, etc where you can’t keep your feet on the ground as we build up strength.


How You Move Matters


Finding Your Neutral